
Top 5 Best Products For Nails

Hey guys, welcome to read this article today. I'm going to share with you my favorite products that have saved my nails. So after trying so many products over many many years of my life,  none of them work. But I finally found products that work for me. These are my natural nails but some people think that they're fake. They're not fake. They are real. 

Okay, everybody real real real nails. A lot of them bend inward or outward and some of them are a little bit crooked though. They grow like kind of curving over. I have a list and links of all the products mentioned in today's article. You guys so definitely check that out. I know it's really helpful when you're shopping online. Let's get into it. These are the products that were complete nail game changers. 

Alright, so first on my list is the nail polish remover. Now, you may not think if it could be or must-have life-changing product. But this right here hold my gosh. Once I tried this, I did not go back. I have tried drugstore Brands natural nail polish removers. I tried. You know different ones from Vitacost and they all dry out. My nails make my nails peel. So I want something that's going to be very gentle on my nails, but still remove polished glitter nail art. All of that stuff in this is phenomenal I also love that this has a pump on top. So you just take a cotton pad press down has an easy closure, and it does kind of like a lock into place. You're at the worry about it spilling all over the place. This is a refillable. This is just the single one here. I believe this one is only $10. I could be wrong. I'll put the prices below, but what I do is I just find the big bottles and refill this one up so I can just keep using the same container because you really don't have to keep buying the same. Container, I feel like it's more cost effective to buy the larger bottles. I think these ones retail for $20, but if you wait during one of their sales, I got this for 10 bucks. That's why I bought two of them. So this is so worth it. I mean you can tell how much I love this because I bought a huge bottle of it. 

All right moving on to the next product here glass nail file this right here you guys changed everything my nails were just always like really healing

sharp edges all the time no matter how many nail filers are Emery boards. I use they just were never really smooth. This was like Wow as soon as I switch to using a glass nail file. I noticed a huge difference in the smoothness of my nails. It's easier to file them shape them the grit on here is so smooth like this doesn't even feel like a nail file. That's how soft as it is and I love how gentle it is on your skin. If you hit your skin, it's not going to hurt you. I used to use the old school. You guys know what I'm talking about the old school and rewards that you can get for like the drugstore I use those for years. Those are so bad you guys those are so bad on your nails and also you have to keep repurchasing new ones over and over again because once you wear a nail file, it becomes dull. So you're the throw it out and buy a new one, but if you take really good care of your class nail file it will last you forever pretty much because the grit is permanent on hear it.

etched into the glass and it's just it's an amazing tool and I can't believe I went so long without use it. So I'm so glad I discovered glass nail files. It really did change everything. You want to keep those edges really nice and smooth and this is a lifesaver. I can't be without it. So like I mentioned I've tried so many nail strengtheners and products over the years and I just happened to randomly purchase these two products here. They're both from La girl Cosmetics cruelty-free really affordable company. Any first up we have the LA girl calcium Neil Builder. So this helps promote thick and healthy nails now. This is not a nail harder. So this is not going to make your nails hard. I stay so far away from now hardeners. They have done nothing but make my nails snap off and break. So I'm not a fan but this right here just adds strength calcium. This is just helps Drinkin my nails prevent the peeling. I honestly think this is a miracle in a bottle and then I go in with my next favorite.

This is my favorite base coat. And again, I've tried so many base coats and I've tried a few other ones from L.A. Girl, and I didn't really like them but the hydrating base coat is awesome this claims to hydrate brittle nails and regulates nail growth in an almost dries down to a gel like finish and it's just so buttery soft when you go over your nails with your fingers. It just creates a smooth beautiful surface. So when you go on with your polish on top it just Glides over the Nail, it doesn't tug it just fills in any ridges that you might have or any uneven texture having a base coat. It's really really important. It's going to also have a barrier between your bare nails and your nail polish because if you go with just polish on your bare Nails, you're going to get a lot of yellowing and staining because obviously polish is going to stay in your nails if you wear all the time. So this is a really great base to put down even if you don't like

We're a base coat. It's really important to do that. So, this has been my Holy Grail favorites. It's been a game changer these two together combined are just a must-have and I always use these every time I do a fresh manicure on wearing them both on my nails right now, and they're just amazing. All right guys last but not least adding in oils oils are so important for Nail Care for adding moisture for softening the cuticles and just making your nails healthy giving them some nourishment helping them to not be dried out and all patchy and peely, I definitely recommend getting a good quality oil. This one here is from pure joy or and this is their one percent. Pure Argan Oil. This is organic cruelty free and it's amazing. I actually am almost out I have this a tiny tiny tiny bit left at the bottom that this is more of a pricier item. I'm sure you can find

more affordable options. You can definitely check online, but I will link this down below and you can also use this in your hair on your skin. I love putting this on the ends of my hair when I get out of the shower. It's just a really great all-around oil to have it's definitely a Beauty secret. I know a lot of people love Argan Oil. So this actually discovered recently and I absolutely loved it. So this is to co I'm sorry. I say the name wrong, but socio natural or natural this is there pomegranate and fig cuticle revitalizer complex? So this is for your cuticles and your nails? And this has really great ingredients. It has vitamin E. It has fruit leave oil vegetable oils Big Oil this smells so amazing it does have fragrance in it, but it smells so it smells so nice. This is a very luxurious oil but very budget-friendly. This is a 15 mil container and a little bit goes a long way. This is under

others they also sell these in really large containers for around $14. So it's definitely more affordable than the argan oil that I mentioned. So this is amazing. It's so nice it leaves my skin so soft and smells really great. It's so important to use an oil and ever since I started doing it. I can't put it down so definitely try using an oil in your nail care routine and you will definitely see a difference. Alright guys, so that is everything I hope

Found this video helpful. These are just all of my Holy Grail favorite products that truly changed my nails. They changed my nail care routine. 100% And I can't be without them and I've seen the best results from these products again. I tried so many order years and these are just my absolute Holy Grail favorites. I hope you enjoyed this video and found it helpful if you did give it a thumbs up. I really do appreciate it. Don't forget to check out the description box. I will list everything that I mentioned today. De down below so definitely check that out. And of course if you missed my nail care routine, and also how to grow a long healthy strong nails double check out the other videos that I have done so far if you guys want to see more videos like this more tips and tricks on growing long nails or Nail Care anything you guys want to know definitely let me know what guys want to see next. Thank you so much for watching if you're new to the channel, make sure to hit the Subscribe button. It's completely free and it post new videos every

a pretty good sometimes Sunday. I will catch you all in the next video. Remember smarter Beauty this better be hi guys.


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